Tampas Irene Adler
(Irish Wolfhound) "Ivy"
Owned by Paul Plummer & Carole Silverthorne
Bred by Louann Ellis, Trampas Wolfhounds
Handled by Dana Smoak
WB for 1 pt
CH Greenwinds Dushka of Trampas
(Irish Wolfhound) "Dushka"
Owned by Dana Smoak and Joe Hal Faughn
Bred by Joe Hal Faughn & LouAnn Ellis
Handled by Dana Smoak
Am CH/BIS Int'l CH Cheylene's Crowned Jewel
(Irish Wolfhound) "Eaffa"
Owned by Cheylene Hendricks
Bred by Deidre Carter
Handled by Dana Smoak
Eaffa earned her International Championship
as well as a Group 1, Group 3 and BEST IN SHOW at
the 4 IABCA Int'l shows in Conyers Ga 3-15-09!
Congratulations Cheylene, and thank you for
allowing me to ad this title to her name!
Int'l CH Keller Affirmed O'Sunstag
(Irish Wolfhound) "Kaos"
Owned by Cindi Rominello
Bred by Sunstag Irish Wolfhounds, Ca.
Handled by Dana Smoak
Kaos earned his first 2 points at the Atlanta Ga
shows by taking two BOW wins!
CH Pawsitive's Limelight Rush Intuit
(Irish Wolfhound) "Rush"
Owned and Bred by Cheylene Hendricks
Handled by Dana Smoak
Rush finished his championship in 8 weekends, taking a 3pt major in GVL/Feb 2012, then 4pt major in GVL/July 2012 and a 4pt major in ATL/Aug 2012!
This page was last updated: May 27, 2021
Am CH/BIS Int'l CH Cheylene's Crowned Jewel "Eaffa"
3 Generations of gorgeous Wolfhound girls!!
CH Crown Jewel Something Royal On the Mtn "Sorcha"
CH Lady Tomarra Crown Jewel of Eaffa "Tommara"
Daughter & Mom!