Our Handling of . . . The Working Group
This page was last updated: November 3, 2018
Am/Int/Nat/Un CH Briarwood's Breakout
(Doberman Pinscher) "Robbie"
Owned by James & Diana Bowman
Handled by Dana Smoak
Robis Ace of Spades at Bluemoon
(Akita) "Ace"
Bred by James L Robison
Owned by Bruce and Cory Rose, Jeter Mtn Akitas
Handled by Dana Smoak
Ace took his first point at the Winston-Salem
shows by taking Winners dog at 8 mo old!
JMA A Diamond in the Ruff Ruff
(Akita) "Diamond"
Bred by Anthony Rizzo
Owned by Bruce & Cory Rose
Handled by Dana Smaok
Going WB & BOB on 6/14/09
at the WNC Dog Fanciers Assoc!
Pamelot's Cotton Candy
(Doberman Pinscher) "Cotton"
Owned by Debra M Green & Pamela DeHetre
Bred by Pamela DeHetre
Handled by Dana Smoak
Cotton took WB/BOS for a point at
the Greater Kingsport KC show in Tn!
Trillium's New Day Rising
(Bernese Mtn Dog) "Husker"
Owned by Cindy Orr - Denver NC
Bred by Laurie & Randall Farley
Handled by Wendi Brown & Dana Smoak
"Handled at this show by Dana Smoak with many
thanks to Wendi Brown for letting me pinch-hit!!"